Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 1: First day in telluride June 28th 2008

After a really bumpy bumpy ride from Denver to Telluride I reached telluride today afternoon. The tiny plane was more like a local taxi and there were only 12 people in it. The good thing with the plane is that every seat in the plane had a window seat. The taxi person was very kind and personally took me to couple of lodges before we found our building.

Telluride. What is it ?

Telluride is a small city in Colorado supposedly famous for its winter sking resort. Its sad that the conference is going to happen during summer. I need to come another time (not alone) to see the thrills of sking in this place. The whole town is very small and its easy to walk from one place to another. The main attractions during the summer are biking, hiking, kayaking and camping.
Also this is the only place in USA to offer free Gondola ride for around 4-5 miles (more than 30 minutes !!!) touching different villages in the area. I liked it very much because the route is very beautiful and also it is FREE for everyone. :). I also liked the place very much because it is quite small and a pretty, quite town/village.

I am feeling little bit tired (lack of good food: I just ate some grapes, one icecream and another hagen daz today).

Got to go, bye for now....(Do see some pictures of the town below...)

View of the hills from my house

The famous telluride Gondolas.

View of the hills from the School

A baby enjoying the sun and mexican food

Pictures in the telluride school lobby

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